Vestibular Rehab

Do you suddenly feel dizziness or a lack of balance? Does turning your head quickly cause issues? You may be dealing with a vestibular disorder. Let our Vestibular Rehabilitation Specialist, Dr. Savannah Green PT, DPT, assess whether vestibular rehab is the right treatment for you!

What is Causing my Symptoms?

Brief anatomy lesson: The vestibular system is located in the inner ear and is made up of a series of canals (Semicircular canals) and small organs (Utricle and Saccule) that allow the head to determine its position in space. As we move, fluid moves throughout the system and sensory receptors allow our brain to determine our equilibrium and sense of balance. There are small “crystals” attached to hair fibers that line the inner membrane. These can become dislodged and end up getting caught in the wrong spot. When this happens, it disrupts fluid in the system causing the body misinterpret the position of the head, leading to dizziness.


How Can Vestibular Rehab Help?

Vestibular rehab is a specific type of therapy targeted at treating and resolving issues associated with the vestibular system. In only a few sessions, you can see significant improvements in your symptoms. A vestibular rehab specialist uses a combination of manual techniques and exercises to get you back to feeling “normal” again.

You may currently be taking an “anti-dizziness” medication such as Meclizine, Valium or Dramamine. These may help temporarily cure your symptoms, but they do not fix the cause of the issue. It has been found that manual treatment of these symptoms is up to 9 times more effective than medication.

If you’re concerned that your dizziness will hinder your ability to perform the exercises or that doing them will cause you nausea or vomiting, don’t worry! We are trained professionals and are prepared to handle anything that happens on your road to recovery.

What COnditions can Vestibular Rehab Treat?

While there are many different causes of vestibular symptoms, the most common condition is BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo). BPPV episodes occur when enough crystals accumulate in one of the semicircular canals interrupting normal fluid movement and causing the system to send false signals to the brain. During a typical BPPV episode, the sensation of spinning is felt even when the body/head remains still. The length and severity of an episode varies person to person. For more details on BPPV click here.

Other conditions that may benefit from vestibular rehab include:

  • Meniere’s disease

  • Vestibular neuritis

  • Labyrinthitis

  • Perilymphatic fistula

  • Acoustic neuroma

  • Cerebrovascular disorders

  • Cerebellar disease

  • Migraines

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Neurodegenerative disorders

  • Psychiatric disorders

  • Medications and more..

Who is Impacted by These Conditions?

Although it is commonly thought that balance and dizziness issues only affect older individuals, it is actually women in their 50’s who have the most difficulty with vestibular conditions. Now that’s not to say that they are the only ones affected by such issues. Vestibular dysfunction can also commonly be seen in individuals who have suffered head trauma such as in a car accident, whiplash or post-concussion athletes.

Anyone can struggle with a vestibular dysfunction. If you think that you may benefit from vestibular rehab, call today to schedule an evaluation with Savannah!

(Prior to attending your first physical therapy visit, it is recommended to temporarily stop taking your per diem medications to allow your therapist to properly evaluate/treat your condition.)